List of wow glyphs 7.3
List of wow glyphs 7.3

  1. #List of wow glyphs 7.3 for free#
  2. #List of wow glyphs 7.3 update#
  3. #List of wow glyphs 7.3 Patch#

  • Players will now get a total of 41 talent points to spend at level 85.
  • list of wow glyphs 7.3

    Each specialization has been reduced to a 31-point talent tree.

    #List of wow glyphs 7.3 for free#

    All player talent specializations have been reset, allowing for free re-specialization. Spells and abilities no longer have multiple ranks and now scale with character level.Mastery rating does not currently exist on items in the game, however, Reforging can be used to add Mastery rating as a secondary stat to existing items. Mastery rating has been added as a new stat which provides unique benefits for characters based on class and talent specialization.Many item and class stats have been changed or removed.The character levels at which classes gain new spells and abilities have changed.This feature is on by default but can be changed via the Display settings under User Interface options. All spell and ability tooltips will now display damage averages rather than minimum and maximum damage potential.Many class talents, spells, and abilities have been overhauled, added, or removed.

    #List of wow glyphs 7.3 Patch#

    For more information on the changes to the currencies and conversion rates for each type, please visit Blizzard's official Cataclysm forum: Ĭlasses: General See also: Patch 4.0.1 (class changes).Higher-tier Conquest Points will be awarded to players competing in each of the latest Arena or Rated Battleground seasons after the launch of Cataclysm.Honor Points will be awarded instead of these currencies, with the exception of Arena Points.All Arena Points, Honor Points, Battleground Marks of Honor,, , and have been converted into new Honor Points.Higher-tier Valor Points will be awarded to players who kill dungeon and raid bosses in the latest tier of PvE content after the launch of Cataclysm.All items that previously cost emblems or badges of any type now cost Justice Points.Any bosses players defeat that are level-appropriate to them award Justice Points.Anything below Emblems of Triumph, including badges from The Burning Crusade dungeon and raid content, have been converted into gold and sent to players via the in-game mail system. Any dungeon or raid which awarded these emblems will reward Justice Points instead.Learn more about this feature by visiting the official European forums here:.A character may now complete the encounters during the week with different raids of either 10 or 25 players. This system provides the opportunity for a character to defeat each raid zone’s encounters once a week. Icecrown Citadel and Ruby Sanctum now use the new Flexible Raid Lock system.An item cannot have more than one reforged stat at a time, though the Reforging of an item can be undone and changed. The stat being added cannot already exist on the item. 40% of any one secondary stat on an item can be allocated to add a new secondary stat to the item. Players can now visit special Reforging NPCs in capital cities located near Enchanting trainers.Please head to the forums here for additional information. We'd like to get your feedback on the toolset and gameplay experience. This will reduce the time you spend downloading, installing, and patching World of Warcraft. The new Cataclysm Launcher allows you to stream game data while you play.Players can experience many major game and user interface systems updates in the first official patch for the upcoming third expansion, patch 4.0.1. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be in stores on Decemand the time has come to prep for the official launch by implementing its first major patch. This patch did not include Cataclysm features such as the two new races, world changes, quests, and new zones.

    list of wow glyphs 7.3 list of wow glyphs 7.3

    #List of wow glyphs 7.3 update#

    Patch 4.0.1 was the system update patch for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

    List of wow glyphs 7.3